Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Apple Farmer's First Spray of the Year

The Apple Farmer has been extremely busy with work and his church calling as Branch President. He is soooo behind on orchard chores! But it is OK because we KNOW that if we put the Lord first, he will make sure everything works out OK for us. This has always been the results in countless situations. This is the best kind of insurance you can get, in my personal opinion, but this post isn't about my personal opinion so on with the story! The apple farmer finally had the opportunity to do his first spray of the season. Everything seemed to go wrong in trying to accomplish this simple task! The pump on the Berthoud wouldn't work so he had to dismantle it between trips out of town and he happened to get it working last Monday evening at about the same time the winds died down. Perfect for spraying!

He got well into his spray and started having trouble with the alternator and losing his lights and power. He explained to me and what I understood the problem to be was, "bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. So I bla, bla blabbed and bla bla bla, fa la la la la, la la la la." I told him that it was great he figured out the problem. Then he runs out again to finish the spray. I go to bed with the peace of mind that he bla blabbed his tractor.

Next morning, the conversation went something like this:

me: stirring in my sleep

him: I didn't finish spraying last night because my tractor caught on fire.

me: stirring some more in my sleep trying to figure out why someone was trying to wake me up and why they are saying "fire."

Me: What?

Him: My tractor caught on fire.

Me: Fire?! (pictures of tractor ashes racing through my mind). I thought you bla blabbed the bla bla!

Him: I did and when I got to the lower part of the orchard and was really starting to enjoy the cool of the night I notice a bunch of flames leaping out of my tractor between my knees.

Me: What did you do?

Him: I watched it burn itself out.

Me: Oh - OK. Thats kinda wierd. Does it still work?

Him: Yup, I waited til morning so I could bla bla the bla bla of the bla bla when it was light. It was impossible to bla bla in the dark and get it right.

Me: OK - can I take pictures of you bla bla-ing for the blog for the family to enjoy?

Him: sure.

Here is the Bla-Bla

Here is the Apple Farmer Bla-bla-ing the bla bla.

Here is the Apple Farmer after he bla-blabed his tractor and suited up.

And away he goes!

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