Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bottom Dwellers

As you can see, if you drove by our house in the quiet little village of Brock, it would appear that much has been happening in the inside!

But at some point in this crazy endeaver, we have to face the music in the basement! 
Its not pretty there!
The only pretty is the scary!
Pretty DARN sacry in fact!

 Knowing where to start was the hardest part! 
Tim has done some work in this room already.  I was hoping to clear out a spot to place tools and supplies so that we weren't tripping all over them all day long upstairs!

So I chose this room.  It was the least yucky so I dug in and got to work!  Before long I found the floor!  Once it was cleaned, we were able to eliminate a big mess upstairs!

Apparently, someone was an avid gardener.  While cleaning I found some jars of saved seeds with little notes in them.  I think we might try to see of the ones I saved will germinate.

This note says round black seeded yellow meated watermelon 1969

It might be a fun experiment!

I'd really like to complete the clean up in the basement during our next week stay!
... to be continued ;)

1 comment:

christianne said...

We found letters, and it was so nice to sit with them, take a break, and journey back in time to learn about the people who built our house. Love your newspapers!