Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If You Say the Word "Sweat" One More Time You Will be in Big Bad Trouble!

That's right!  And don't you forget it! 

And, next thing you know someone pipes up and whines, "My face is covered with facial fluids." 

And of course there has to be a smarty pants in the group who has to throw in the literary element of alliteration.  "Facial fluids feel foul." 

There were some other comments about condensating, which is just more of the same garbage I have to deal with when it comes to things like picking strawberries when its a little warm outside!

However, all of the whining certainly didn't stop the exclamations when especially large or perfect berries were picked!

And deciding whether we should dip the big strawberries in chocolate definitely didn't slow anyone down from completing the task.

So after all was whined and done, here is what we got in our first picking.  Not much compared to years past, but plenty for me to work with for this afternoon!


Maria Babin said...

i love the new look tanya! i don't think it looks like a mess at all. love the colors and the BIG new header! i think it looks fabulous!

Tanya said...

thanks maria!! When I changed templates the other day, my pics wouldn't fit, and I lost a bunch of my widgets. Went back to classic and lost my header, but my widgets were there. Tried a few more templates and this one worked! LOL Talk about a frantic afternoon!

I love yours! The fonts are great - more personal, and I love the navigation bar. Would really like a Nav. bar on mine!!