Thursday, May 20, 2010

Giant Thing of Green and Slime!

Big, huh?  Thats what we all thought!  So out came the camera, and eventually, the garden gloves... since no one wanted to touch it.  Green things of these proportions can do mighty things like attack you... and swallow you in one gulp!

So, while we were trying to bribe the President to touch it...

It attacked!

And landed smack-dab right on his hand!  You might notice the tension in his hand, the extreme extension of his fingers...  but you will never hear the blood curdling screams that were coming from his mouth, or see his eyeballs popping out of their sockets in terror of the cold, slimey beast that just landed in his hand! 

You also will never see how close to death I came as I tried and failed to control my laughter!

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