Monday, December 14, 2009

Selections from Handel's Messiah

We had the joy of attending a local performance of Handel's Messiah this past Saturday night. This was my dear friend Jessica's creation and it turned out to be a wonderful experience for all who got involved and saw it to the very end! And the very best news, is that it isn't over yet... I hear another concert is in the making!

Since I was the photographer, we ended up with fabulous reserved front row seating, which was perfect for snatching a couple more kodak moments after everything got underway! Sheesh! With the great many hours of service that people put into making this happen, I almost felt guilty claiming my seat after snapping a few pics! The choir and chamber orchestra consisted of many people we know! Hi Leslie and Angie! Angie - your solo - WOW!

Hey Seth!! Seth was the youngest performer at age 13! The boys thought it was so cool that you got to play!

Here's her Royal Highness, who about half way through decided she might try to compete with the soprano soloist, despite the gummy bears we kept trying to stick into her mouth!

Finally the real thing and the concert is underway! Hi Jessica - she's first chair violin!

Hey! its us warming up our front row bench! I think this might be our first family picture in years!! Yipes - we better get busy on a more current family portrait!


Anonymous said...

Yes, do that, and I want a copy- an emailed version would do.
Love you all.

Jenn said...

Looks like a fun little concert, loving the family photo too! :)