Thursday, July 8, 2010

Amish Auction

My neighbor Joe came over last night and wondered if there was a chance we could pull the trailer down to a big annual auction down in Jamesport.  I had no problem with it, except a little bit of worry that I wasn't going to be the only truck and trailer trying to maneuver around in a massive auction.  But since I could really use the practice, I told him I would help him out!  And practice I got.  I backed, and squeezed and maneuvered my way around people and trucks and trailers and through narrow passages!  I'm certain my dreams will all be of me driving that big trailer down the highway in reverse!

I've been to a couple of auctions that are geared more for the Amish and they've been fun to see, but I've not been to this one, which lasts for a couple of days!  This auction is huge!  What fun it was to go and see all of what was there!

I especially got a kick out of all the young men, Danny and three of Joe's boys - some married, some single - teasing about the garden tools they had to buy because they were now supporting a household, or the marrieds, teasing the singles about their auction finds, hinting about future weddings!  Danny got three old wooden interior doors and he maintained that they were for a bachelor pad only.  Hmmmm!

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