Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Play Time!

My Kitchen Sink is clean and shiny - so I played Photographer (and lost track of time)! ;)
I opened my original image up in photoshop elements and experimented with some fun and new things! The results are comparable to a vintage photochrom postcard from the late 1800's.

Our Butterfly Adventure
(The Story Behind the Photograph)

On the day that this photo was taken, about this time two years ago, this lovely specimen had just emerged from her chrysalis. We found her when she was a hungry green caterpillar. We put her in a jar and she made a really neat chrisalys the very next day. About 2 weeks later the crew came shrieking into my room. They excitedly shared the news of her emergence and could hardly believe that this orange and black creature was once a fat green worm! She never minded being handled, and as soon as we had all had a turn to hold our sweet little Monarch, we took her out to our zinnia bed and let her be on her merry little way.


Once Upon A Mountain said...

That is so cool. The Dude caught one the other day but seeing one going from a caterpillar to a butterfly must be great. The picture is also out of this world.

JDMMO said...

Hi Tanya! I wish you'd put more of your photography on here. You're so talented. So good to see you doing well. Your family is beautiful. I wish we could see you all more often.

Jennifer Oswald

Tanya said...

Thanks Teresa!

Thanks Jen! I'm SOOOO glad you posted!! I miss you guys sooo much! Please don't be a stranger to my blog!!!